Male: 48years. Ex Forces (Army) Height 6ft Weight 107kg For most of this man’s life he has been prone to accident. For example, at 17yrs of age he was involved in an accident, which resulted in his being hung by the neck. Both prior and post that time he had various head and / or neck injuries. He had also been …
Post operative recovery following Rehab, physiotherapy and Deep tissue massage
Morning Vivienne, Just wanted to drop You a note to thank You for Your ministrations over the last seven weeks. It has been a pleasure to meet You and travel down to learn of and be treated with the Dark art of S C E N A R !!! As I drove back up the motorway on Tuesday I was …
Osteoarthritis, double fracture – Tinnitus
Female 78 years Diagnosed with bimaleolar fracture She was sent home having waited for a number of hours in A and E and had now swollen too much for being put in a cast. Within 12 hours she was attended to by Cosmodic. Her sessions were administered on a twice daily basis over 3 days. Day 1 Before and After …
Training testimonial – Rachel April 2012
I found the COSMODIC training in March incredibly helpful. Vivienne and Sherine gave a really thorough yet concise overview of the device and it’s specific peculiarities. It allowed me much more confidence in my work with the device and the fantastic results I’ve been getting, speak for themselves. It was a great balance of practical and theory…such small tweaks in …
Lower limb and lumbar paraspinal denervation
61 year old male diagnosed with Lower limb and lumbar paraspinal denervation’ I have progressively over the last five years or so found it harder and harder to walk very far without pain and exhaustion. Slowly but surely, the distance that I could manage to walk got less and less till, by March of this year, I was unable …
Testimonial on collection of equipment with a short general treatment
‘From our dealings with Vivienne having purchased a Scenar device, we found her to be thoroughly professional from beginning to end. She is extremely accommodating and clearly very knowledgeable and skilled in the whole area of scenar therapy. She provides excellent training, combined with very detailed notes and practical experience. Her very approachable nature is a big advantage and she provides …
Neuropathic pain spinal March 2013
Symptom History Following major spinal surgery between August 2008 and February 2010, the first to overcome lumber vertebrae stenosis and two further operations to replace discs by vertebrae fusions. I have suffered on-going and worse still reoccurring lower back and pelvic pains as well as the most serious, Sacroiliac Joint pain. While these symptoms could not be called a chronic …
Neuropathic pain neck – shoulders and lower spine March 2017
Good Morning Vivienne, I now know how your mother felt after your treatment recently!! Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like a new person as I felt so happy compared to recent weeks!! Most of the symptoms I was experienced are vastly improved of receded completely. Firstly the main concern which was the discomfort I have been experiencing in …
Aches and pains May 2012
Dear Vivienne, I hope that this message finds you well. You are probably in Russia now, if my memory is right, so I hope you are enjoying your stay and work. I am writing to let you know how things went after our second session. The effect was spectacular on the aches and pains from the two-days’ hike in the …
Whiplash case 2013
I was suffering from severe whiplash after a car crash, two months after the crash I was still unable to turn my neck or sleep without taking several painkillers. Work was incredibly difficult and the pain was increasing throughout the day. I had tried physiotherapy and osteopathy but nothing was really working. In desperation I researched over the net and …