The Constad Benjamin Protocol

This is Quantum Medicine; with Asyra/Qest4 we explore the root causes of health issues and return to the body data that it asks for. With Cosmodic ENS we are returning the methodology and corrected processing data which enables the brain to initiate recovery.

“I have worked professionally in recovery with people since 1994.
Since the beginning the way in which I worked has changed. It developed somewhat organically with the use of different protocols. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, I was fortunate enough to meet and work with the inventor of the original S.C.E.N.A.R. technology, Alexander Karasev, (then already having invented and perfecting Cosmodic technology).
Over the following few years the results I could enable my patients to achieve were immeasurable. However slowly but surely it became obvious to me that on-going diet and lifestyle changes were paramount to a full recovery. It was only in a chance meeting with Dani Benjamin that for me, the final piece slotted into place. We thought alike, worked alike and loved the work that we were both doing. Together we developed a protocol using the technologies of Cosmodic / ENS plus the technology of Asyra Qest4 and specific protocols applying emotional release techniques. As a naturopathic nutritionist Dani’s input to me was invaluable and so very logical. It just made sense that together we were able to create a stronger and more productive regime for those who chose the alternative route to recovery.”
There are a number of aspects to consider with regards to all treatment.
There is evidence today to suggest that majority of discrepancies in the body can stem from continual and consistent disturbances that are ignored and stay unprocessed in the energetic field. This is where we look to ascertain and return corrected data and begin to enable the body to correct itself. The journey is long and hard as natural things tend to be and one needs to be vigilant and disciplined in order to follow it.
It is important that one begins to understand how different this is from medical model.
Working together as a team on chronic and acute dis-ease has enabled us to develop quite a remarkable recovery protocol.
The aim of the protocol is to return the POWER to the individual so they can activate their innate healing systems. The majority of individuals that we see concentrate fully on the physical body and pay little attention to the Intellectual and Spirit body.
We are a complex collection of energetic systems that are run not only by the food we ingest as fuel, but by our thoughts, feelings and E-motions.
Destructive behavioural patterns can build the framework for dis-ease to exist and remain and by deconstructing these patterns we assist in removing the blueprint that allowed the issue to manifest.
As nutrition supports the Physical body, so meditation and yoga support the Intellect and Spirit bodies.
In order to achieve cohesion inside and outside the Physical body, these three elements of our being as a whole, must be bought into alignment. Equal attention must be paid to each of these practices to attain the desired result.
Dani, through her Harmonic Resonance Healing Training has gained in-depth knowledge of a highly evolved system. She uses this practice to assist the individual in shifting destructive patterns that may be holding them in a dis-eased state.
The Constad/Benjamin Protocol always starts with a long and detailed first session with both of us. Vivienne reinforces the work on a bi-weekly basis (the intensity is personalised and discussed per individual), Dani checks in, making necessary adjustments to the diet and lifestyle choices and energetically re-balancing the client every 2-3 weeks depending on the individual case. This together with Dani initiating the harmonic healing resonance work, emotional release and with Vivienne as regularly as required in between with ENS Cosmodic each session as required they achieve phenomenal results.
A first session can take anything from 2 to 3 hours depending on the medical history, however follow up visits would be more like 40 - 90 minutes. We work together on this protocol as well as individually. For more information regarding Asyra Qest4 and Dani's solo treatments please visit her site here

Disclaimer. Each individual case has to be ascertained and judged on its own merits and until we can establish how well your body is able to begin recovery it is impossible to second-guess how much treatment it may take. There are no guarantees in any form of medicine. In either medical model or alternative practice each case may react totally differently to the same treatment. Much of the outcome will be due to the skill of the practitioner and the hard-working input and compliance of the patient. With the correct fuel the body will have what it needs to begin recovery of corrected tissue. From our testing and experience we will be able to customise a program for you and make changes for you to consider in both your diet and lifestyle, which will support our working in session with you. It is not about working with conditions or symptoms; our working is to restore lost function and corrected data to cell function and by working in this way the body is able to begin to eliminate toxic load which has been stored in the body and regenerate corrected cell tissue. It is neither diagnostic nor curative.